About Us and our mistake (PART ONE)
The material presented herein is the result of decades of individual and collaborative "Original" research. At the time this effort was started, there appeared to be no Afrocentric writers talking about Black history outside the bounds of Slavery and arguments about the race of ancient Egyptians. That angry perception was so complete, that no modern Black works were ever interrogated for data, or even consulted. We resolved to start from scratch, building our True Black history, only from "Original" sources: which could be anything from ancient documents to Statues, Paintings, and other artifacts. The exception being of course, "Race Neutral" non-controversial filler material found in encyclopedia type media. That is not to say that encyclopedias are race-neutral, they most certainly are not, they can be just as racist as any other Albino source.
In pondering the sad state of Black history as written by Blacks, we assumed that Black historians were either the "Brainwashed" lackeys of the Albino establishment, or too frightened to write True Black History because: a) it would never be published by Albino controlled media, and b) they would be "Blackballed" from gainful employment.
So how sad we were to see that we were wrong, when we happened across the article below by the late Dr. John Henrik Clarke. Wiki: John Henrik Clarke was a Pan-Africanist writer, historian, professor, and a pioneer in the creation of Africana studies and professional institutions in academia starting in the late 1960s. Born: January 1, 1915, Union Springs, AL. Died: July 12, 1998, Manhattan, New York City, NY. Education: Columbia University, California Miramar University, New York University.
Though the article is really a put-down of the very deserving "Skippy" Gates, and some other similarly deserving wannabees: it is so wide ranging that Dr. Clarke apparently manages to capsulate his entire mindset regarding history. From the article, It is clear that historically, Dr. Clarke was talking about the very same things that we are; only he had to say it in an "Indirect" way to avoid clashing with the Albino power structure.
Example: Dr. Clarke says this - "When Europeans rose in the 15th and 16th century, started the slave trade, colonized history and information about history, they also colonized the image Of God."
Not having read his works, we don't know if he identifies the vehicle the Albino people used to usurp Black rule as Protestantism/Anglicanism, or if he identifies the "Thirty years Wars" and the English Civil wars as the means. But he says enough to make us aware that he knew and understood "True" History, and got us thinking that perhaps some others did also.
Accordingly - as a Mea Culpa, and homage to Dr. Clarke, we asked certain readers to compile a list of similarly honest and aware Black historians, who they have read, and whose works, in their opinion, may be worth reading.
Samuel Cornish, John Russwurm (1827)
Edward Blyden (1869)
G.W. Williams (1883)
R.L. Perry (1893)
Pauline E. Hopkins (1905)
Leo Hansberry
W.E.B. DuBois
Ivan van Sertima
Chancellor Williams
John Henrik Clarke
These books deal with the dispersions of African people throughout the world. Many of these Black scholars, whose work Professor Gates questioned, were reading works by Whites in French, German and other languages that spoke positively about African American achievement long before Mr. Gates' parents were born. This school of Black scholars are neither demagogues nor are they pseudos; they are the forerunners of the present propagators of Afrocentricity. They know what Professor Gates doesn't seem to know: that African people are the most written about and the least understood people in the world. If Professor Gates has not read the works of the White pioneer scholars about the role of African people in world history, it stands to reason that he has no understanding of the senior Black scholars such as Yosef ben-Jochannan, John G. Jackson, Cheikh Anta Diop, Jacob Carruthers, Chancellor Williams, Lao Hansberry and myself. Professor Gates' reference to Black anti-Semitism is an exaggeration.
A new Black awareness is causing Blacks, young and old, to question everything that has any influence on their lives. We are realizing that Jewish people have an influence on our lives far out of proportion to their numbers in the population. I totally disagree with Professor Gates that anti-Semitism among Whites is on the wane in the country. Quite the contrary, I think it is increasing in this country and in the world, and Black people are not the cause of it. What you have in this new charge of Black and Semitism against Blacks is the most pathetic of all tragedies, a scapegoat looking for a scapegoat. Because of Black Americans' reading or misreading of the Bible, we have always had a sentimental attachment to Jewish people and, to a large extent, most of us still do. During slavery, we wanted to attach ourselves to a people who had escaped from bondage.
So, the Exodus story in the Bible became more real to us than to the Jewish people. Right now, in a large number of Black Baptist churches, you can get a large number of the congregation to shed real tears of sympathy over the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace. Most of the organized White hate groups in the United States, I know of no overt attacks by the Jews being made on any of them. Yet, Jewish people have attacked Louis Farrakhan more than they have attacked the leaders of the Aryan Nation or the American Nazi Party. Are the Jews in America looking for an easy victory or the Truth? Black Americans have never been their enemy. And they, the Jews, have never been our friends unless it was to their convenience. Neo-Nazism has fully re-emerged in Germany and in other states in Europe.
These are people with a nation structure and armies. Why is it that a group of weak Black Americans are getting more attention from the Jews than these powerful White forces rising against them? I'm sorry that Professor Cornell West saw fit to make a statement about this false charge of Black anti-Semitism. I could agree with his statement if the statement were true. What Black people are realizing in this country, in the Caribbean Islands and in Africa is that the Jewish people, of European descent, are a part of the world apparatus of European control. And, in the matter of White control over the world, their position is no different than that of other Europeans. I am not saying that the Jews of Europe are more bent on world dominance than other Europeans; I am saying that they are not radically different from other Europeans in this regard. Internal disputes between the Jews and other Europeans is a form of European domestic racism.
European racism has spent itself out outside of Europe. During the Nazi regime in Germany, that racism turned inward on itself and created what is referred to as The Holocaust. This was a problem started in Europe by Europeans that should have been resolved in Europe by Europeans. Repeatedly I have said that Europeans are geniuses at draining the diseased pus of their political sores on the lands of other people. What is now being called anti Semitism among a newly awakened Black intellectual class is that they are beginning to look at the people referred to as Jews as part of the totality of European world dominance. We are not saying that the European who is a Jew is any more of an imperialist than any other of the Europeans, but that he is basically the same. We are not saying that the role of the Jews in the slave trade was any different then any other Europeans, but that it was basically the same. When they saw the opportunity to make money in the slave trade, they took advantage of this opportunity the same as other Europeans in the same business.
I do not choose to deal with Jesse Jackson's opportunistic appearances at the World Jewish Congress and the statements that he made. Jesse Jackson has his own agenda that is unrelated to the Liberation Movement of his own people. He was catering to his Jewish audiences for reasons unrelated to Black people and their liberation movements. Black people are becoming increasingly conscious of people who exploit their community and hold them in contempt. We make no exceptions when these exploiters are non-European. In referring to present-day anti-Semitism and the attempt to trace it to having roots in Christianity, Professor Gates shows his lack of understanding of the manifestation of Christianity among American Blacks and how that interpretation of this religion is part of their humanity.
Their interpretation, in no way, relates to anti-Semitism. I wonder if Professor Gates would explain the words in the Negro spiritual: Go down Moses ... Tell ol' Pharaoh To let my people go, or the words: Deep river, My home is over Jordan. This is African identification with the Biblical people of the Hebrew faith. It would help if Professor Gates would read a towering masterpiece in three volumes by James Fraser, The Folklore in the Old Testament and another contemporary book, Hebrew Myths, edited by Robert Graves and Raphael Patai. I do not think that Professor Gates completely read Michael Bradley's The Iceman Inheritance before referring to it because in it Michael Bradley has very little to say about the Jews.
The book, in essence, is about the rise of a certain kind of temperament that changed the world-the European Personality. This personality has shown little or no respect for civilizations, cultures and ways of life that it did not create. Cultures and people that the European did not understand were declared primitive. In the last 500 years especially, European historians have inferred, or said outright, that the world waited in darkness for the Europeans to bring the light. In fact, the Europeans destroyed more civilization than they ever created.
They destroyed civilizations that were already old before Europe was born. Michael Bradley was characterizing the Europeans as "Icemen" is not totally incorrect, if it is incorrect at all. I wrote the Introduction to the new edition of this book, because I considered the book to be of some significance in explaining the origin of racism. I did not say the book was a masterpiece of the greatest achievement in writing. It was good basic research and told honesty about Europeans' beginnings and the impact of racism on the broader world. I have also written the Foreword to another book by Michael Bradley that will be even more controversial, Chosen People From The Caucasus: Jewish Origins, Delusions Deceptions, and Historical in the Slave Trade, Genocide Cultural Colonization. (Third World Press, Chicago). My writing on Black-Jewish relationships is not new. I participated in forums on this subject in the old Harlem History Club in the 30s.
To be continue....................
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